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Introduction ahoy!
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How dare you start with this lesson.
Welcome welcome welcome! Your brand is your reputation. It’s what you’re known for and how people experience what you offer. Paul Jarvis and Jason Zook are here to walk you through what it takes to put more YOU in everything you do with your business.

What we'll be covering in this course:

Voice - finding and using your specific voice in everything you do.

Audience - building and defining the right audience for who you are and what you do.

Site - setting up your home base (domain, hosting, theme).

List - connecting and engaging with your audience through consistent connection.

Content - becoming a reader of your audience’s mind (in a non-creepy way) to give them so much value they almost burst.

What you’ll leave this course with:

  • A clearer focus and purpose to how you show up online and off.
  • A more defined audience (and who you no longer need to focus on).
  • A defined toolset for: your website, your list and your content strategy.
  • A sore face from laughing at how hilarious Paul and Jason are (note: subject to having a weird sense of humour about nerdy books and guys named Jared).

​Hugs, backflips, and peanut butter and jellies,

Paul and Jason